Jesus Loves You Evangelistic Ministries is impacting the world with the love of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is our desire that all people come to know Jesus personally and come to a saving knowledge and intimate relationship with Him. To facilitate this we do many outreaches and large scale gospel crusades where the gospel is preached to thousands with the result of many receiving the salvation, healing, and freedom that only Christ can provide. Holding many youth events and youth crusades has been a vital part of our ministry in the nations as hundreds of thousands are brought into the kingdom of God every year. Jesus Loves You Evangelistic Ministries firmly believes in discipleship, and has a long-term discipleship program and plan after each of our large-scale gospel crusades. We always partner with local churches in our campaigns, as this is a vital part of the discipleship process. Becoming integrated into the family of God is a priority for every new believer.
It is our continued vision to not only participate in outreaches and large-scale gospel crusades, but also preach and do evangelistic outreach at the Orange County Jail. Preaching at churches by invitation, preaching on the streets, preaching on social media, and leading people to Jesus on a personal level are all diverse ways we desire to fulfill the Lord’s Great Commission. As Michael has previously theatrically portrayed the character of Jesus with TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) at the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, FL for many years, he also may employ the use of drama to effectively communicate the gospel.
We believe it is the evangelist’s job not only to seek and save that which is lost, but also to equip the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12). Throughout the year, we train the local church in evangelism and take them on the streets to win souls for Christ. Our desire to equip people to reach the lost in the power of the Holy Spirit is given to those churches who request it, and can mutually fit within our ministry schedule. We regularly see people get physically healed and saved in our ministry and firmly believe that wonders, signs, and miracles will follow those who believe. Take a step of faith today, follow obediently the voice of the Holy Spirit and watch God’s miracles come to pass through your life today. For truly with God all things are possible.
Prayer must accompany the preaching of the gospel. Prayer dynamically fuels the “go” of the gospel with the intervention of the Lord to accomplish His purposes here on earth. Will you prayerfully consider becoming a prayer partner for this ministry? Last year there were hundreds of thousands of decisions to follow Christ in our Jesus Loves You Evangelistic Ministries crusades and outreaches. The average cost to reach one person with the gospel of Christ last year was less than $1. All our outreaches and crusades are funded by private donations from people and ministries like you. Will you consider partnering with us financially on a monthly basis to see many lives saved in Africa, Poland, Germany, and the Philippines this year? Your partnership in prayer and financial support is a vital key to the success of this ministry. You are a vital part of what God desires to do in these countries. Thank you for partnering with us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). May the Lord abundantly bless you!